
Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Hello Assalamualaikum (:

so, about strong. kenapa post pasal strong? cause semangat aku tengah sangat down! oh ya, lupa nak cakap. sorry xupdate about 2-3 days. kinda busy ;p 

kay sambung..

Ya Allah, aku tak kuat macam orang laiin. kenapa hati ni yang Kau pilih untuk diuji? i am so sensitive dengan bab bab hati ni. ngeeee.... lantaklah wey! aku malas nak emo emo (:

ait? camtu eh ulfah :P

tukar topic. omagaad! esok nak jumpa anis and najwa, me soexcited. KLCC here we come! kasi gegar itu klcc, mwahahahahaha :D seventeenth november nak g sekolah pulak, report card alamin. xsabarnye nak jumpa old friends yg seporting seporting. sarah, farah, anis, najwa, aisyah, and semua alaminianss ^_^ seventh, eight, ninth december pergi ixora kooot. xsure lagi tp yang pasti FAMILY TRIP 3days ngeh ngeh ngeh, serious tak sabar nak tunggu hari hari yg bahagia. may Allah mengizinkan. ameen
kthats all. back to busy mode :)

just me,

Friday, November 9, 2012


ifeel good tenenenenet~!

hello assalamualaikum readerss.. psttt aku ada readers ke?

muehehehehe. how's your life? good huh? but i think mine is better. LOL xde arh! tengah excited senanyer sebab dah balik KL! tp xjumpa lagi miss lappy, miss tv, miss ipad and all misses gadgets. I dont have a good story but i do have some stories that not vey good and exciting. just simple as usual. nak dengar x, nak dengar x? okaaaay

di Al-Manar.....

firt tyme masuk..
: kecik gilos sekolah ni
: sikitnye orang, x fun!
: peraturan dia! PEERGH
: tak best macam al-amin!!
: and many moree

bila dah lama2..
: bestnye sekolah nii
: bangga arh sekolah ni
: macam rumah sendiri
: kawan2 dia, fun!
: sayang sekolah ni
: xsanggup nak pindah dah
: rules. biasa jee
: kakak2 baiiik
: and many moore

soooooooooooooo, itulah macam mana reactions saya. lain sangat2 macam mana first datang dan balik! masa first I feel like 'wey! bosan ah' but bila lama2 'chan mai yakklabban!'. the point is xkenal maka xcinta~

oh lagi satu, last was a very very sad + happy  night! happy cause ezzy bluesz's backk! sad cause last nigt is the last night with form sixx huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu T^T. last night kitorang wat perfomance guna lagu because of you + bukan sekadar bunyi. agak simple tp kalau buat dgn hati yang ikhlas everythig is okayyy rite?  :) 

ezzyz bluesz, keep calm and stay happy like last night
colourful brains, i miss uolls so so much! jom ouut ;)
thailandiat, next year ana g rumah korang kay? love and miss u always
gambateyogirl, keep moving forward! dont look back cause u dont live there!

just me,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

everythings neww :)

hello assalamualaikum everyone :)
ok aku tahu aku da lme x serious aku tak tahu kenapa maybe sebab aku busy kot. okay. actually I wanna share about my new life :) new friends,new year,but still with the old boyfriend.LOL me so setia :)  aku sayang ai *hiccups* man.. hehe ^_^ gatay nooo XP dala2 aku nak cirite pasal kawan akuuu.. aku ada kwan baru fresh from st mary :) nama dia najwa izzati bt zahari. OHMYGAWD! she's so cutee.sumpah aku cakap,tergoda akuu <3 hehehe,second sarah..cute jugaaaa :) kecik2 comel.from sriaag.dear budak braces,iloveyouuu <3  third,amal husna.xpercaya? aku pun xpercaya. well,dulu kan kitorg nih macam anjing ngan kucing! mengumpat je,tp skrg..alhamdulillah.dah baik :) ni smue sbb bola tennis. thankyou bola tennis. kau mengeratkan silaturrahim ^_^ may our friendship berterusan til jannah.amin,thats all about my, about my class..yeah! we are the most cheerful class forever,! love you guys :D walaupon kadang kadang rasa cam nak sepak sorang sorang.tapi still happy with them. k ah,thats all from me today..malas nk type :) meh aku bagi siket gamba kawan aku :)

for my dear najwa: be strong kawan :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

new yeahh!

as usual, I start with Assalamualaikum everyone! and Assalamualaikum 2012..

hows ur new year? let's renew everything this year~ new life,new wish azam and otherss..let's make it BETTER! and AWESOMER!..yeah! haha ;D is second january 2012..the second day of 2012,and today is my mama ummi and jeongmin's birthday (hehe). so,saengil chuka hamnida!!  love yah!! for ummi ek,not for jeongmin ;p tp kaaan,,dulu-2 mase bday ummi kitorg bg bunge,pen, and bende-2 skkkrg, org bg iPad,macbook,kete..adoyy! dunie dah maju sgt niihh,tp yg x acinyer ummi dpt bende-2 tuh smue,ulfah? henfon pon taraaak! but I dont care poon! klu dpt fon un buat ape? bkn gne unn,mesej2 je.. bazir duet jelaah! baik pegi jumpe je tros..hbes citee kan boleh ckp pnjg2 lg..blh dgr org gelak,kalu mesj asek bce HAHA jer..tah btol ke x dye gelak tuuhh..tah tah x ikhlas :P hehe duit yg dibazirkan tuh baik simpan tok g umrah ke g haji ke,utk future! laaagi bagos kan??

hurrmm..bebel je ulfah nih..hihi,hobi lhaaa...nak wat cane~ dilahirkan dgn  mulut becokk! hahaha ;D oklah..dah penat menaip niiyh..c ya next tyme!

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