as usual, I start with Assalamualaikum everyone! and Assalamualaikum 2012..
hows ur new year? let's renew everything this year~ new life,new wish azam and otherss..let's make it
AWESOMER!..yeah! haha ;D is second january 2012..the second day of 2012,and today is my
mama ummi and jeongmin's birthday (hehe). so,
saengil chuka hamnida!! love yah!! for ummi ek,not for jeongmin ;p tp kaaan,,dulu-2 mase bday ummi kitorg bg bunge,pen, and bende-2 skkkrg, org bg iPad,macbook,kete..adoyy! dunie dah maju sgt niihh,tp yg x acinyer ummi dpt bende-2 tuh smue,ulfah? henfon pon taraaak! but
I dont care poon! klu dpt fon un buat ape? bkn gne unn,mesej2 je.. bazir duet jelaah! baik pegi jumpe je tros..hbes citee kan boleh ckp pnjg2 lg..blh dgr org gelak,kalu mesj asek bce HAHA jer..tah btol ke x dye gelak tuuhh..tah tah x ikhlas :P hehe duit yg dibazirkan tuh baik simpan tok g umrah ke g haji ke,utk future! laaagi bagos kan??
hurrmm..bebel je ulfah nih..hihi,hobi lhaaa...nak wat cane~ dilahirkan dgn mulut becokk! hahaha ;D oklah..dah penat menaip niiyh..c ya next tyme!
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